Rise was Orbea’s biggest launch in the weird year of 2020. A new bike concept, a lightweight trail e-bike that enhances rider experience. A bike that feels like a normal trail bike on uphills and downhills but gives you the chance to go further, climb higher and expand the experience. Made for ambitious riders who don’t want to sacrifice the enjoyment of the trail for having a motor underneath.
In Rise we worked together with Walden Studio and Kind Visuals to create a double piece where the sensations of riding and technology are shown. Our part was focused on giving shape to the “riding experience” part. We started scouting many areas and Mtb centers in Spain and France that could fit our needs for this production. Finally we got to Puro Pirineo in Benasque Valley, where Christophe the “Sensei” of the area showed us around every trail.
Apart from this, getting the right riders (like Jorge and Virginia), setting the logistics to get to remote areas and building a confident team, were some of the many tasks we had to face during the pre-production of this project.
We had to deal with unstable weather and stick to a strict plan to cover all we had in mind. More than 6 different locations, from forest to alpine, in 5 days. To reach the most remote one, at 2700m, we had to reduce the human team to the minimum and reach the spot by mixing driving, biking and hiking.
“we had to reduced the human team to the minimum and reach the spot mixing driving, biking and hiking”
For the video we worked on a narrative based on the idea of a talk between friends after a long day riding, where memories came in front of a fireplace and both riders realize that their riding essence is still the same, regardless of the bike used. During this conversation the spectator dives into Jorge’s riding memories. Flowy trails, alpine terrain, technical areas, long uphills and reflexive moments are mixed to cover all the feelings a rider can have on a trail bike.
We spent 5 days immersed in the forest and the beautiful terrain around Benasque capturing each of those moments. A unique experience, filled with good times, lots of learning, an incredible crew and the feeling of helping a brand like Orbea to go a step forward in video production according to what they had just accomplished with their new bike.
Here are some of the final images selected for the campaign:
For us, it is all about how to make things happen and enjoy the process. We want to share with you some of those beautiful Behind The Scenes moments. Those that made our work a constant adventure.
Finally, We want to thank everybody who made this possible. For their trust in us in any aspect, for enjoying the process as much as we did and for being there supporting us every year.
Thank you!