Finding the right spot for you
Location scouting and management
Locations are an essential part of any production. As outdoor lovers we are always searching for new places to explore and for possible locations for our next productions. After many years doing this research we have a wide catalog of possible locations that could fit the needs of any outdoor production. (Infinite roads trails, forests, mountain peaks, mountain areas, or lakes)
In order to help others achieve a great production value, we offer our services as outdoor location managers, including location scouting, permits management, and logistic planning.
Our experience in outdoor productions, helps us to understand what the clients needs are, choosing the best time for the light wanted, checking weather forecast, and timing the arrival and the access to the scouted area.
Our catalog covers many locations around Spain and Europe, having a strong point on Asturias, Granda, Catalonia, Madrid and the Pyrenees. Areas that we know really well. Here you can find some of the locations in our catalog. If you have any special request you can always contact us and let us know what you have in mind.